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Matemáticas / Mathematics

What Your Student will Learn in 4th Grade Math
4th Grade Standards for Math

I. Mathematical Reasoning
Standard:  Apply skills of mathematical representation, communication and reasoning throughout the remaining four content strands.
Students will:        
1.  Communicate, reason and represent situations mathematically.
2. Solve problems by distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information,sequencing and prioritizing information and breaking multi-stepproblems into simpler parts.
3.  Evaluate the reasonableness of the solution by considering appropriate estimates and the context of the original problem.
4.  Know when it is appropriate to estimate and when an exact answer with whole numbers, fractions or decimals is needed.
5. Express a written problem in a suitable mathematical language, solvethe problem and interpret the result in the original context.
6. Support mathematical results using pictures, numbers, and words toexplain why the steps in a solution are valid and why a particularsolution method is appropriate.

II. Number Sense
Standard: Represent who numbers in various ways to quantify information and tosolve real-world and mathematical problems.  Understand the concept offractions and decimals.
Students will:
1.  Read and write whole numbers to 100,000 in numerals and words.
2.  Compare and order whole numbers.
3. Use fractions and decimals to solve problems representing parts of awhole, parts of a set and division of whole numbers by whole numbers inreal-world and mathematical problems.
4.  Use rounding and estimation with whole numbers to solve real-world and mathematical problems.

III. Computation and Operation
Standard: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates with whole numbers inreal-world and mathematical problems.  Understand the meanings ofarithmetic operations and how they relate to one another.
Students will:
1.  Use addition and subtraction of multi-digit whole numbers to solve multi-step real-world and mathematical problems.
2.  Add up to three whole numbers containing up to three digits each, without a calculator.
3.  Subtract whole numbers containing up to three digits each, without a calculator.
4.  Demonstrate mastery of multiplication facts for the numbers 0-10, without a calculator.
5.  Use multiplication and division of whole numbers to solve simple real-world and mathematical problems.
6.  Use the inverse relationship of multiplication and division to compute and check results.
7.  Multiply singe digit multiple of powers of ten such as 300x60 or 70x3, mentally.

IV. Patterns and Functions
Standard:  Understand and describe patterns in tables and graphs.

Students will:        
1.  Examine and describe patterns in tables and graphs.

V. Algebra (Algebraic Thinking)
Standard:  Apply arithmetic operation in the correct order to compute with whole numbers in real-world and mathematical problems.
Students will:
1.  Identify a missing number or operation in a simple arithmetic equation such as 3 _ 4 = 12 or 45 / _ = 9.
2. Use the properties of arithmetic that involves ordering, grouping andthe numbers 1 and 0, to do simple computations with whole numbers.

VI. Data and Statistics
Standards:  Represent and interpret data in real-world and mathematical problems.
Students will:
1.  Collect data using observations or surveys and represent the data with tables and graphs with labeling.  
2.  Use mathematical language to describe a set of data.
VII. Probability
Standard:  Model simple probabilities by displaying the outcomes for real-world and mathematical problems.
Students will:    
1.  Express outcomes of random experiments verbally and numerically such as 3 out of 4 or ¾.
2.  Use physical models and pictures to represent possible arrangements of two or three objects.

VIII. Spatial Sense
Standard:  Understand spatial relationships to describe them using language such as congruent, similar, parallel and perpendicular.
Students will:
1.  Identify congruent and similar figures.
2.  Identify parallel and perpendicular lines.

IX. Geometry
Standard:  Use attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes to identify them and distinguish between them.
Students will:
1.  Identify, describe, and classify two- and three-dimensional shapes by their attributes.
2. Identify right angles in geometric figures or in appropriate objectsand determine whether other angles are greater or less than a rightangle.

X. Measurement
Standard:  Measure andcalculate length and area using appropriate tools and units to solvereal-world and mathematical problems.  Make change with money.
Students will:
1. Find the area and perimeter of a rectangle by measuring, using a grid,or using a formula, and label the answer with appropriate units.
2. Understand that rectangles with the same area can have differentperimeters and that rectangles with the same perimeter can havedifferent areas.
3.  Make change using as few coins and bills as possible up to $20.