What Your Student will Learn in 4th Grade Reading
4th Grade Standards for Reading
I. Word Recognition, Analysis, Fluency
Standard: The student will decode unfamiliar words using phonetic and structural analysis and will read with fluency and expression.
Students will:
1. Read unfamiliar complex and multi-syllabic words using advanced phonetic and structural analysis in grade-appropriate text.
2. Read aloud narrative and expository text with fluency, accuracy, and appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.
II. Vocabulary Expansion
Standard: The student will use a variety of strategies to expand reading, listening and speaking vocabularies.
Students will:
1. Acquire, understand and use new vocabulary through explicit instruction and independent reading.
2. Identify and understand root words, derivations, antonyms, synonyms, idioms, homonym and multiple meaning words to determine word meanings and to comprehend texts.
3. Use dictionaries and glossaries to find the meaning of new words.
4. Use context and word structure to determine word meanings.
5. Use knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of unknown words.
III. Comprehension
Standard: The student will understand the meaning of texts, using a variety of strategies, and will demonstrate literal, interpretive, inferential and evaluative comprehension.
Students will:
1. Read aloud grade-appropriate text (that has not been previewed) with accuracy and comprehension.
2. Recall and use prior learning and preview text to prepare for reading.
3. Generate and answer literal, inferential, interpretive and evaluative questions about what is read to demonstrate understanding.
4. Summarize and paraphrase what is read.
5. Infer and identify main idea and determine relevant details in non-fiction text.
6. Distinguish fact from opinion, determine cause and effect, and draw conclusions.
7. Demonstrate relationships between ideas or events in the texts using graphic organizers.
8. Monitor comprehension, notice when reading breaks down and use strategies to self-correct.
9. Follow multiple-step written instructions.
10. Compare and contrast information on the same topic from two sources.
IV. Literature
Standard: The student will actively engage in the reading process and read, understand, respond to, analyze, interpret, evaluate and appreciate a wide variety of fiction, poetic and nonfiction texts.
Students will:
1. Read and respond to a variety of high quality, traditional, classical and contemporary literary works specific to America, as well as significant works from other countries.
2. Identify, respond to, and compare and contrast the literary elements of characterization, plot, setting, and theme.
3. Identify patterns of sound such as rhyme and rhythm in poetry.
4. Compare and evaluate similar works by different authors in the same genre or theme.
5. Identify first person and third person point of view.
6. Identify and determine the meanings of similes and metaphors.
7. Critically read and evaluate text to determine author’s purpose and point of view.
8. Respond to literature using ideas and details from the text to support reactions and make literary connections.
9. Read from and respond to a variety of fiction, poetic and nonfiction texts of increasing complexity for personal enjoyment.