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School Counselors

Teresa Pfab

Licensed Professional School Counselor - Minnesota Department of Education

M.A. Adlerian Counseling & Psychotherapy with an emphasis in School Counseling - Adler Graduate School

B.S. Ed. Childhood Education with Concentrations in Spanish & Psychology - St. John's University, NYC

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Krista Henke

National Certified Counselor (NCC) - National Board for Certified Counselors

Licensed Professional School Counselor - Minnesota Department of Education

M.A. Counseling and Career Development (School Counselor) - Colorado State University

B.S. Psychology - Colorado State University

Hola leones, we're glad you're here!

Our names are Krista Henke and Teresa Pfab, though kids call us Ms. Krista and Srta. Pfab. We are honored to work with students to support their academic, social emotional, and post-secondary success at school.  Krista primarily works with students in kinder and 1st grade while Teresa supports 2nd-5th grade students.  Each counselor has a caseload of approximately 325 students, so we maximize our support by teaching classroom lessons. All students in grades k-5 participate in a weekly classroom lesson with their counselor.  At a school as large as Adams, this allows us to reach as many students as possible. 

Some of the topics we cover include:

  • Social Emotional Learning (emotion regulation, growth mindset, self-control, identity, friendships, mindfulness)

  • Bully prevention (recognizing, refusing, and reporting bullying and cyber-bulllying)

  • Postsecondary readiness (career exploration, long- and short-term goal setting, skills and interests, personal learning plans) 

  • Personal Safety (personal space, being safe at home and school)

We also provide small group and individual support for students based on need and capacity.  These supports are short-term and solution-focused.  We are not therapists, but are happy to support families with referrals to community providers, if longer-term or more intensive services are needed. If you are currently seeking mental health resources, a great place to start is the Ramsey County Children’s Mental Health Collaborative.

We are proud to be a Recognized ASCA (American School Counseling Association) Model program!  This recognition reflects our commitment to delivering a comprehensive, data-informed school counseling programs.

Contact Information

Teresa (Grades 2-5) Call: 651-298-1595 - Text: 612-405-7303 - Email: teresa.pfab@spps.org.

Krista (Kindergarten and Grade 1) Call: 651-744-2556 - Text: 612-564-8822 - Email: krista.henke@spps.org.

We're here to help!

SPPS School Counseling: School counselors play an important role in schools across the district. Click here to learn more about the values, mission, and vision of St. Paul Public Schools' Counseling Department.

"When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.” ― Fred Rogers


Below is a link to the the counseling program's annual calendar that outlines direct student services, indirect student services, program planning, and school support (this document is a work-in-progress and updated throughout the year):

Adams' Counseling Annual Calendar 23-24

These are some of the curriculum resources we use while teaching in classrooms

Second Step- Bully Prevention

Second Step- Child Protection

Zones of Regulation



School Counseling Vision Statement

Adams Spanish Immersion students are bilingual and emotionally intelligent global citizens who believe in themselves, their potential for success, and ability to overcome challenges.  As high school graduates, they are motivated to make positive contributions in their communities by demonstrating respect, compassion, and a commitment to social justice. Informed by their personal learning plans, they identify as lifelong learners who are prepared for success in post-secondary education, their careers, and beyond.

Los estudiantes de Adams Spanish Immersion son ciudadanos globales bilingües y emocionalmente inteligentes que creen en sí mismos, en su potencial para el éxito y en su capacidad para superar los desafíos.  Como graduados de la escuela secundaria, están motivados para hacer contribuciones positivas en sus comunidades demostrando respeto, compasión y compromiso con la justicia social. Informados por sus planes de aprendizaje personales, se identifican como estudiantes de por vida que están preparados para el éxito en la educación postsecundaria, sus carreras y más allá.  


School Counseling Mission Statement

Using a data-driven approach, we strive to deliver a comprehensive school counseling model that nurtures an equitable learning environment for all students to become bilingual and biliterate critical thinkers and citizens of the world, inspired to pursue their dreams. We are trauma-informed, celebrate diversity, and aim to promote a sense of belonging and contributing for all students in our community. Adams school counselors collaborate with students, educators, families and community stakeholders to meet the academic, social emotional, and post-secondary needs of the whole child. Through our core counseling curriculum, delivered and accessible to all students, we are committed to reaching every student.  In our commitment to equity, we make decisions informed by data aimed to eliminate achievement gaps for marginalized groups through culturally responsive programming, supportive partnerships, and restorative practices. 

Utilizando un enfoque basado en datos, nos esforzamos por ofrecer un modelo integral de asesoramiento escolar que fomente un entorno de aprendizaje equitativo para que todos los estudiantes se conviertan en pensadores críticos y ciudadanos del mundo bilingües y alfabetizados en dos idiomas, inspirados para perseguir sus sueños. Estamos informados sobre el trauma, celebramos la diversidad y nuestro objetivo es promover un sentido de pertenencia y contribución para todos los estudiantes de nuestra comunidad. Los consejeros escolares de Adams colaboran con estudiantes, educadores, familias y partes interesadas de la comunidad para satisfacer las necesidades académicas, socioemocionales y postsecundarias del niño en su totalidad. A través de nuestro plan de estudios básico de consejería entregado a todos los estudiantes, estamos comprometidos a llegar a todos los estudiantes.  En nuestro compromiso con la equidad, tomamos decisiones basadas en datos destinados a eliminar las brechas de rendimiento de los grupos marginados a través de programación culturalmente receptiva, asociaciones de apoyo y prácticas restaurativas.