About Adams Spanish Immersion
For an international education without the travel expense, consider Adams Spanish Immersion. ¡Ser Bilingüe Vale Por Dos!
Adams Spanish Immersion is an elementary school that provides children with an opportunity to be fluent in a second language. Adams' students are surrounded by Spanish all day long and learn to speak and comprehend the language much as a child learns to speak for the first time. Our School is a place where families and staff value the importance of language and the opportunities that are gained by learning another language. It is a magical place where dedicated staff and involved parents nurture young minds and hearts. Come visit us!
We strive to support students on their educational journey as they become bilingual and biliterate and citizens of the world. Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a los estudiantes en su viaje académico a ser bilingües y bialfabetizados y ciudadanos del mundo.
Through our values of respect, compassion and social justice, we will inspire all students to be global citizens with an appreciation for their bilingual education. A través de nuestros valores de respeto, compasión y justicia social, inspiraremos a todos los estudiantes a ser ciudadanos del mundo con aprecio por su educación bilingüe.
615 Chatsworth Street South
St. Paul, MN 55102
Phone: 651-298-1595
Grades: PreK-5
School Hours: 9:30 a.m.4 p.m.
Principal: Jude Vales